Wednesday 18 June 2008

An outstanding Verdi Requiem

Found by chance - that is happened to be in the shop and they were playing it, an outstanding previously unissued recording of Verdi's Requiem. Ferenc Fricsay 1952 performance (mislabled 1951 on the cover) on Andromeda. Verdi's Requiem is a piece of which there are such great performances (Toscanini - almost incredible simultaneous control of long line and drama, de Sabata - intense dark drama also creating huge regrets for how much of his career happened to coincide with Mussolini's and therefore deprived us of so many recordings, Giulini on DVD - a better performance even than the famous CD and the sight of Giulini's concentration before the Dies Irae being worth the price alone) that I had stopped buying others.Fricsay really brought out the religious chorus and aria element to the music superbly - different to the incredible drama of Toscanini and de Sabata, more consoling and human, but very very striking.Know Fricsay made a stuidio recording as well so now decided to get that. But it will have to be very good to equal this live one.

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